BIPEA is made-up of a General Assembly, a Board of Directors, an advisory groups and a Bureau. All these entities administer the Organization at administrative and technical level.

BIPEA BUREAU is the permanent structure responsible for the administrative, organizational and operational management of BIPEA.
In order to optimize the management of proficiency testing programs, BIPEA relies on the following advisory groups:

  • Scientific advisors are specialists in charge of assisting BIPEA in the set-up of its scientific and technical policy.

  • The Technical Board of Directors is the scientific and technical assistance body of BIPEA. It is composed of Scientific Advisers and Committee Chairs.

  • Specific committees are created for each proficiency testing program. They are composed of the participants of the program. These committees are mainly a forum for discussions, giving participants the opportunity to easily express themselves on various topics related to the program. They can then make proposals and recommendations to improve the PT program.

Technical groups are drawn from the committees and are composed of staff with recognized competence in the field. Members of technical groups are often responsible for laboratories already involved in standardization or accreditation bodies. They act to make proposals for the evaluation of laboratory performances (assigned values, tolerance values), approval of proficiency testing results and the preparation of draft methods or studies.