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Here at BIPEA, we firmly believe that the performance of our organization is not only measured by our economic success but also by our impact on society and the environment. That is why Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our development strategy.

What is CSR? 

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a voluntary approach by businesses aiming to integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns into their business activities and interactions with stakeholders. This means that beyond complying with laws and regulations, we adopt responsible and ethical practices.

Our Commitment to Society and the Environment

  1. Environmental Respect : We are aware of the impact of our activities on the environment and are committed to minimizing this impact. We reduce our carbon footprint, prefer to work with external service providers (certified ISO 14001 and rated Ecovadis), and implement environmentally friendly waste management practices.
  2. Quality and Safety : The quality of the services we provide is a top priority. Our ISO 17043 accreditation and our ISO 9001 & Qualiopi certifications are a guarantee of quality. We strive to continuously improve our services to offer our members a high level of quality.
  3. Commitment to Our Employees :  Our employees are our most valuable asset. We are committed to providing a healthy, safe and fulfilling working environment. We value diversity, encourage personal and professional development, and promote equal opportunities.
  4. Contribution to the Community : We collaborate with organizations that promote employment for people with disabilities.
  5. Transparency and Ethics:  We believe in transparent and ethical management of our organization. We are committed to rigorous governance practices and transparency in our relationships with our members.

Our CSR Approach in Action

As a key player in the quality field, we are committed to promoting best practices not only within our organization but also with our external service providers. The following examples illustrate the actions we have taken:

  • Establishment of an environmental technical group to analyze, measure, and propose actions to reduce our carbon footprint. In addition, a carbon footprint assessment was carried out in spring 2024, showing that:
    • BIPEA emits 675 tons of CO2 per year. Primary/direct greenhouse gas emissions represent 3% of total emissions.
    • Reducing energy consumption in our offices and promoting the use of renewable energy.
    • Implementing recycling and waste management programs at all our facilities.
    • Developing partnerships with suppliers that adhere to CSR standards similar to our own.

Our commitment to CSR is a pillar of our identity, and our goal is to provide high-quality services.

BIPEA will continue working towards a more sustainable future while maintaining its scientific rigor and meeting the expectations of our members.